PLUS specializes in running bi-partisan public affairs and brand reputation campaigns that leverage a political campaign model. The success of our campaigns is credited to our unmatched network. PLUS oversees a centrally-managed network of veteran political and communications professionals in all 50 states.

We have spent time building an army of bipartisan local communications and political professionals who are an extension of the PLUS team. Our field network is regarded as one of the deepest and most sophisticated in the industry because we value these local relationships and understand the importance of continuing to foster them.

PLUS recognizes that local debates shape national narratives and national narratives impact local debates – whether you are building an issue advocacy campaign or driving brand reputation. By harnessing that experience, we can identify target audiences, educate them about a product or issue, and mobilize supporters to take action.

Our integrated approach to grassroots doesn’t just rely on the on-the-ground engagement; we leverage data and analytics to reach local audiences in an effective, targeted way both online and offline.

Coupled with our on-the-ground engagement, our online advocacy efforts leverage a strategic mix of audience targeting – from match lists to demographics and interests to lookalike modeling.

Through our work at the forefront of the digital space and our partnerships with Google, Facebook and others, we’ve received access to alpha and beta products before any other advertiser in the nation and immediately put them to work.

And we tailor our messages, deploying a cross-channel, platform-specific approach to storytelling. Our goal is to educate and mobilize the right voices, in the right way, at the right time.