Family Business Providing Great Jobs
At its core, TAMKO is a family owned business geared towards offering great career opportunities to Joplin families. During our research, we uncovered that generations of Joplin families have worked at TAMKO.
Our first ad in the TAMKO campaign was entitled “Three Generations”. This spot, which aired in 2016, told the story of the Carder family and the role that TAMKO has played in providing economic security to a man, his son and his grandson. We followed up on this theme in 2017 with another ad featuring the story of the Martin family.
In 2018, we continued our efforts to educate the Joplin community on the great jobs TAMKO provides and the pride that TAMKO employees feel in working for the company. The spot “Shara” featured the story of a working mom, who has been promoted numerous times at TAMKO, and is now living the American Dream in Joplin, thanks to her rewarding career.
We also produced a spot featuring the story of Bobbie Hubbell, a production worker who has been with TAMKO for over thirty years. This ad captured the pride that Mr. Hubbell has in working for TAMKO and the story of how he was approached in the grocery store by a thankful citizen of Joplin who recognized him as a TAMKO employee because he was wearing a company hat.