Terry Nelson is a founding partner at PLUS communications. He has helped pioneer the firm’s campaign-style approach to communications and public affairs and his expertise ranges from strategic counsel to issue management to crisis communications. Terry also leads advertising and production for PLUS, directing multi-million-dollar reputation campaigns from planning and production to integrated media buying.
Terry has helped a Fortune 100 health care company solidify and extend its brand reputation around key issues for both elected officials and consumers. He helped a major member association shore up its market position in the face of criticism. He has helped a consumer trade association head off more than a hundred unfavorable bills — and pass dozens of favorable ones. And he is working with leading technology companies to advance a pro-industry policy agenda in states and in Congress.
Terry has decades of experience in Washington, D.C. and an extensive background of leadership in politics, party organizations, and campaigns. While serving as the National Political Director for President George W. Bush in 2004, he directed messaging, grassroots efforts, voter turnout and coalition outreach. This effort produced a historic increase in voter turnout and a victory for the Bush – Cheney reelection campaign. He was named one of the 50 most prominent political consultants by Roll Call.
What you may not know about Terry
Terry graduated from the University of Iowa and lives with his family in Falls Church, Virginia.