Social Media – True Impact Measuring
July 29, 2019
By Carly Mulvihill
Measuring impact online begins with a deep understanding of the data involved. The most effective organizations actively monitor their social media presence, and track this data to measure the impact of their own content as well as content produced by outside voices.
At PLUS, we use a variety of tools to explore and quantify social media metrics, giving our clients insights into their social impact every day with actionable intelligence.
From the total number of mentions to the location and demographics of those involved in any given conversation, we leverage information from social media to provide our partners with real-time analysis on trending topics in their industries. Ultimately, this becomes a roadmap as to how they can leverage online conversation to their success.
As an example of our comprehensive social media analysis, we took a deep dive into the recent 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing.

During the month of July, the keywords “Apollo,” “Apollo 50” and “#Apollo50” received an average of 18,192 mentions per day, with a major jump coinciding with the anniversary of the event. Mentions around the anniversary skyrocketed to a peak of 66,414 mentions, in comparison with lower numbers at the start of the month.
Within this graph, a closer look at the spike in mentions between July 16 and July 21 shows that social media posts surrounding our keywords “Apollo,” “Apollo 50” and “#Apollo50” conveyed a sense of nostalgia. Several users commented on their own memories of the event. Given this tone, we would recommend that a client interested in capitalizing on this anniversary employ an emotional call-to-action (i.e. “share your memory with #Apollo50!) in content surrounding the event.
The ability to dig into social media on a granular level – including post tone and sentiment – is our competitive edge in crafting compelling ads that command user engagement.
In the below chart, sentiment surrounding the Apollo 50 anniversary is denoted with negative sentiment in red, positive in green, neutral in gray and uncategorized in purple. Sentiment of mentions surrounding the Apollo 50 event were largely neutral, signaling a high quantity of posts simply mentioning the anniversary of the event. Given that the anniversary is a newsworthy topic, mostly neutral sentiment is to be expected when disseminated via media outlets.

Based on this data, we would recommend that a client run ads targeted toward searches of keywords related to the Apollo 50 anniversary to push their message to those interested in news coverage of the event.
Social listening provides the extra edge to maximize the right message to the correct audience – and then measure impact and optimize for the next go around.
If you’d like to learn more about how PLUS Communications can help your organization with its public affairs needs, including social listening, please contact us today.